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Bars & Restaurants

Atmosphere and cuisine

Sed vulputate vitae nulla at auctor. Vestibulum tempor eu risus eu posuere. Vivamus ex augue, tincidunt vel urna vitae, maximus luctus nunc. Vestibulum et tempus sem, eu consequat leo. In pellentesque eleifend augue a viverra. Nulla semper lectus hendrerit magna tristique, et eleifend ipsum euismod.

the Sights

The Maldives, officially the Republic of Maldives, is a South Asian sovereign state, located in the Indian Ocean, situated in the Arabian Sea.


our Rooms & Suites

Comfort, serenity and natural environment are perfectly combined here, because we care about your well-being.

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50 +

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We have one of the best bars in town. And although we are flattered to hear that, we think that every guest has to form their own opinion. 

How To Rent Out Your Home In Australia?

Your Australian house can be a great investment and a reliable source of income if you decide to rent it out. If you own a primary residence and are considering renting it out, or if you are an investor with rental properties, there are several factors to think about.

Planning and paying close attention to detail is crucial, from familiarizing oneself with the legal requirements to locating trustworthy tenants.

Practical information on important stages including preparing your house, dealing with regulations, determining rental rates, and managing tenants is included in this guide, which will help you navigate the necessities of renting out your home in Australia. Let’s get right down to business so your rental experience is pleasant and trouble-free.

How To Rent Out Your Home In Australia?

Renting out your home in Australia can be a rewarding way to earn extra income, diversify your investments, or maintain property ownership while moving elsewhere. To ensure a smooth process, you’ll need to consider a few key steps. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to rent out your home in Australia:

  • Understand the Legal Requirements: Before renting out your home, familiarize yourself with the legal obligations of landlords in Australia. Each state and territory has its residential tenancy laws, which cover aspects like bonds, rental agreements, tenant rights, and property maintenance.
  1. State-Specific Laws: Check the specific tenancy regulations in your state or territory (e.g., Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, etc.).
  2. Insurance: Get landlord insurance to protect against property damage and tenant-related risks.
  3. Compliance: Ensure your property complies with safety regulations, such as smoke alarms and electrical safety.
  • Prepare Your Property: A well-maintained property is more attractive to potential tenants and can command a higher rent. Consider the following when preparing your home:
  1. Repairs and Maintenance: Address any outstanding repairs, leaks, or maintenance issues.
  2. Cleanliness: Thoroughly clean the property, including carpets, walls, and appliances.
  3. Appliances and Utilities: Ensure all appliances are in working order and utilities are connected.
  4. Safety Features: Install smoke alarms, secure locks, and other safety measures as required by law.
  • Determine Rental Price: Research the rental market in your area to set a competitive and fair rental price. Factors to consider include:
  1. Location: Proximity to schools, public transport, and amenities.
  2. Property Type: House, apartment, unit, etc.
  3. Market Trends: Check local real estate listings and vacancy rates for similar properties.
  • Create a Rental Agreement: A well-drafted rental agreement protects both you and your tenants. Consider the following:
  1. Lease Terms: Define the length of the lease, usually 6 or 12 months.
  2. Rent and Bond: Specify the rent amount, bond (security deposit), and payment schedule.
  3. Tenant Obligations: Outline tenant responsibilities, such as maintenance and property use.
  4. Landlord Obligations: Define your responsibilities for repairs and maintenance.
  • Find Reliable Tenants: Finding trustworthy tenants is crucial for a smooth rental experience. Here’s how:
  1. Advertise: Use online platforms, local real estate agents, or community networks to advertise your rental.
  2. Screening: Conduct thorough background checks, including rental history, employment, and references.
  3. Interviews: Meet potential tenants to gauge their suitability and answer questions.
  • Manage the Property: Effective property management ensures a successful rental experience. You can either manage it yourself or hire a property management company. Consider these factors:
  1. Property Inspections: Schedule regular inspections to ensure the property is well-maintained.
  2. Maintenance and Repairs: Respond promptly to maintenance requests to keep tenants satisfied.
  3. Rent Collection: Establish a reliable system for collecting rent and handling late payments.
  4. Dispute Resolution: Know the process for resolving disputes with tenants, including access to local tenancy tribunals.
  • Stay Informed and Compliant

The rental market and tenancy laws can change. Stay updated on legal requirements and industry trends to ensure compliance and profitability.

Renting out your home in Australia requires careful planning, legal compliance, and effective management. By following these steps, you can create a successful and stress-free rental experience, benefiting both you and your tenants.

What Is The Right Thing To Do | Sell Or Rent My House?

Deciding whether to sell or rent your house is a significant decision with various financial and lifestyle implications. To determine the best course of action, consider the following factors whether to sell or rent my house:

Your Financial Situation

  • Immediate Cash Needs: If you need a significant sum of money quickly (e.g., for a down payment on another property or to pay off debt), selling might be the best option.
  • Long-Term Investment: If you’re in a position to wait for a return on investment, renting out your property can provide a steady income stream and potential capital appreciation over time.

Real Estate Market Conditions

  • Property Value Trends: If your local property market is experiencing high demand and rising prices, selling might offer a good return.
  • Rental Market Trends: If there’s strong demand for rental properties in your area, renting could be profitable.

Costs and Responsibilities

  • Landlord Responsibilities: Renting involves ongoing maintenance, repairs, property management, and dealing with tenants. Are you prepared for this responsibility, or would you prefer the simplicity of selling?
  • Upfront Costs: If renting, consider costs for property maintenance, insurance, and possibly a property management service.

Future Plans and Flexibility

  • Personal Use: If you might need the property for personal use in the future, renting gives you more flexibility.
  • Location and Relocation: If you’re relocating or unlikely to return to the area, selling might make more sense.

Tax Implications

  • Capital Gains Tax: Selling could result in capital gains tax, depending on how long you’ve owned the property and other factors. Renting might allow you to defer this cost.
  • Rental Income Tax: Rental income is taxable, but expenses related to property maintenance and management can be deductible.

Emotional Attachment and Stress

  • Emotional Connection: If you have a strong attachment to the property, selling might be challenging.
  • Stress Management: Renting can bring stress due to tenant issues and property management. Are you prepared to handle this?

Opportunity Cost

  • Alternative Investments: Consider what you could do with the proceeds if you sell. Would you invest in another property, stocks, or other assets? Which option provides a better return?

Making Your Decision

  • Evaluate Your Goals: What are your long-term financial and personal goals? Does selling or renting align better with these goals?
  • Consult Professionals: Talk to a real estate agent, financial advisor, and accountant to understand the market conditions, financial implications, and tax consequences.
  • Analyze Risks and Rewards: Weigh the risks and rewards of each option. Renting might offer long-term gains but with added responsibilities; selling could provide a lump sum but forego future rental income and capital growth.

The right choice depends on your unique situation, goals, and preferences. Taking the time to evaluate each factor carefully will help you make an informed decision that suits your needs.


A lot of personal and financial weight goes into the decision of whether to sell or rent one’s home. You can make a well-informed decision that fits in with your lifestyle and goals by considering your financial situation, current market circumstances, obligations, plans, potential tax consequences, and emotional aspects.

To get out of it quickly and maybe make a lot of money, selling might be the way to go if you’re moving and don’t plan on coming back. Though it comes with extra obligations, renting may be the better option if you’re looking for long-term income and investment development without sacrificing flexibility.

For individualized guidance, think about talking to experts in the field, such as accountants, real estate brokers, and financial planners. Consider your long-term financial goals, comfort level with risk, and ideal degree of hands-on involvement in property management before making a final selection.

No matter what you decide, it’s important to give it some thought so that your decision impacts your financial future and overall well-being. Selling and renting both have the potential to provide fruitful results with the correct preparation and assistance.

What Is A Good Height For A Standing Desk?

Comfort and ergonomics are two factors that are quite important when it comes to the process of establishing a productive workspace. It is possible to reduce the hazards that are connected with sitting for extended periods by using a standing desk, which provides the flexibility to alternate between sitting and standing periodically during the day.

Finding the ideal height for a standing desk, on the other hand, is essential to making the most of the benefits it offers. An uncomfortable posture, bad posture, and even injuries caused by repetitive strain might be the result of a workstation that is either too high or too low.

In this article, we will discuss the various aspects that play a role in determining the optimal height for a standing desk. We will also provide you with some pointers on how to customise it to meet your specific requirements to create a more comfortable and advantageous working environment.

What Is A Good Height For A Standing Desk?

The ideal height for a standing desk varies depending on your height, body proportions, and other ergonomic factors. Here’s a guide to help you find the right standing desk height for your comfort and productivity:

  • Desk Height Based on Elbow Position: A commonly recommended method to find the ideal height for your standing desk is by considering the position of your elbows. Stand up straight and bend your elbows to a 90-degree angle. The height where your forearms are parallel to the floor is typically where the desk should be. This positioning helps ensure your wrists remain straight and your shoulders are relaxed.
  • Ideal Desk Height Formula: A more formulaic approach is to measure your height and then determine the appropriate desk height. A general rule of thumb is that the desk height should be approximately 44% of your total height. This ratio is an estimate and may need adjustments based on personal comfort and body proportions.
  • Keyboard and Monitor Height: Your keyboard should be at a height where your wrists are straight, and your hands can hover comfortably over the keys without bending your wrists too much. The top of your monitor should be at or just below eye level to avoid neck strain. Adjusting the monitor’s height with a stand or monitor arm may be necessary to achieve this.
  • Adjustable Desks for Flexibility: Because standing desks should ideally allow you to switch between sitting and standing, an adjustable-height desk offers the most flexibility. This option lets you find the perfect height for standing and quickly switch to a comfortable sitting height when needed.
  • Trial and Error: Since everyone has different body proportions and ergonomic needs, trial and error can be a useful approach. Start with the general guidelines and adjust as needed based on how your body feels. If you experience discomfort, such as shoulder, wrist, or back pain, make further adjustments to the desk height, monitor position, and other ergonomic factors.

The goal is to create a workspace that supports good posture, reduces strain, and promotes productivity. By following these guidelines and making adjustments to suit your individual needs, you can find the best standing desk height for your work environment.

Is It Better To Have A High Or Low Desk?

Choosing the right desk height depends on several factors, including your height, the type of work you do, and ergonomic considerations. Generally, it’s not a matter of high versus low; rather, the key is to find a height that aligns with your body to promote good posture, comfort, and productivity.

Here’s a breakdown to help you understand the ideal desk height and whether it’s better to go higher or lower:

Ergonomic Alignment: 

The most important aspect of desk height is ensuring that it aligns with your body ergonomically. For sitting desks, your arms should rest comfortably on the desk surface, with elbows bent at about a 90-degree angle, and your feet should be flat on the floor. For standing desks, the same principle applies to arms at 90 degrees and wrists straight while using the keyboard and mouse.

Risks of a Desk That’s Too High:

If your desk is too high, it can cause several issues, such as:

  • Shoulder and neck strain, as you have to lift your shoulders to reach the desk.
  • Wrist discomfort, as bending your wrists upward puts stress on tendons and nerves.
  • Posture problems, lead to back pain and other related issues.

Risks of a Desk That’s Too Low:

A desk that’s too low can also cause problems, including:

  • Slouching or hunching leads to back and neck pain.
  • Wrist discomfort from bending downward.
  • Inability to use the desk surface efficiently because it’s below a comfortable level.

The Benefit of Adjustable Desks: 

An adjustable desk can be a great solution, as it allows you to change the height to suit your needs. This flexibility helps you avoid the risks of a desk that’s too high or too low, offering the best of both worlds—optimal ergonomic alignment whether you’re sitting or standing.

Individual Variability: 

Everyone’s body proportions are unique, so the ideal desk height can vary. A good approach is to test different heights to see what feels most comfortable for you. If you’re working in an office, ask if you can try different desks or use adjustable equipment to find your best fit.

If you’re setting up a home office, consider investing in adjustable furniture or ergonomic accessories.

When it comes to desks, the question is not whether a high or low desk is superior; rather, it is about choosing a height that allows you to maintain correct posture, reduce strain, and suit your productivity. An adjustable desk is frequently the most effective alternative because it enables you to locate the optimal position and make adjustments as required.


One of the most important considerations to take into account when building an ergonomically sound and enjoyable workspace is the height of your desk. If you make the necessary changes, it can assist you in standing up more upright, reduce the chance of repetitive stress injuries (RSIs), and increase your productivity.

By adjusting the height of your desk to meet your specific requirements, you will be able to work more effectively while experiencing less discomfort and fatigue.

It is possible that desks that are too high could cause discomfort to the neck and shoulders, whilst desks that are too low could cause slouching and create backaches. The ideal height for your desk will be determined by several factors, including your height, the shape of your body, and the activities you carry out daily.

Generally speaking, the most practical choice is an adjustable desk, which allows you to sit or stand depending on the activity that you are performing.

You may make your workstation more conducive to your health and wellness by paying attention to factors such as the height of your desk, the location of your display, and the adjustment of your chair, among other ergonomic considerations.

Regardless of whether you are working from home or at the office, it is essential to ensure that your working space is ergonomically sound and pleasant to maximise productivity. If you invest in a configuration that is suitable for you, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of a personalised office.

What Is The Cheapest Hotel In Melbourne?

Factors such as availability, special discounts, and the day of booking might cause hotel costs to fluctuate. I suggest using well-known hotel booking services, and travel apps, or calling local hotels directly to get the most recent and reliable information about the cheapest hotel in Melbourne right now.

If you want to make sure the hotel you choose is comfortable and has good service, read some reviews recently.

To find the most affordable hotels in Melbourne, it’s a good idea to look at different areas. Remember that costs can change depending on things like the time of year and local activities. Some hotels in Melbourne that won’t break the bank include these:

Why Choose To Stay In Melbourne?

Among the world’s most popular tourist destinations, Melbourne stands out for its fascinating mix of cultural diversity, exciting nightlife, and varied experiences. The city offers visitors a one-of-a-kind and ever-changing setting with its artistic alleys, gourmet restaurants, and famous buildings.

There are several museums, galleries, and theatres in Melbourne, including world-renowned institutions like the Melbourne Museum and the National Gallery of Victoria. The city is a paradise for culture vultures thanks to its abundance of festivals, public art, and live events all year round.

Furthermore, Melbourne has a flourishing food scene that accommodates all preferences and budgets, earning it a reputation for culinary delights. The city’s gastronomic paradise, with its eclectic mix of cafes and restaurants serving everything from casual fare to haute cuisine, is a reflection of its multinational population.

From the hip Collingwood to the elegant Southbank, every one of the city’s various neighbourhoods has its special allure, from the historic architecture of Fitzroy to the cool vibes of Collingwood. Visitors to Melbourne may easily explore these distinct regions thanks to the city’s effective public transit system.

With its convenient location, Melbourne provides easy access to the Great Ocean Road, the vineyards of the Yarra Valley, and stunning coastal landscapes—some of Australia’s most famous natural attractions.

Another appealing aspect of the city is its vibrant sporting culture, which hosts world-renowned events such as the Melbourne Cup and the Australian Open.

What Is The Cheapest Hotel In Melbourne?

Factors such as availability, special discounts, and the day of booking might cause hotel costs to fluctuate. I suggest using well-known hotel booking services, and travel apps, or calling local hotels directly to get the most recent and reliable information about the cheapest hotel in Melbourne right now.

If you want to make sure the hotel you choose is comfortable and has good service, read some reviews recently.

To find the most affordable hotels in Melbourne, it’s a good idea to look at different areas. Remember that costs can change depending on things like the time of year and local activities. Some of the cheapest hotel melbourne are as follows:

Space Hotel

  • Location: 380 Russell St, Melbourne VIC 3000
  • Known for its affordable rates and modern amenities, Space Hotel offers budget-friendly accommodation in the heart of Melbourne, perfect for backpackers and travellers on a tight budget.

The Melbourne Connection Travellers Hostel

  • Location: 205 King St, Melbourne VIC 3000
  • A popular choice for budget travellers, this hostel provides a central location, basic facilities, and a social atmosphere, making it an economical option for those looking to explore the city on a dime.

Ibis Budget Melbourne CBD

  • Location: 97-103 Elizabeth St, Melbourne VIC 3000
  • As part of the well-known Ibis chain, this budget hotel offers clean and simple accommodations at an affordable price, ideal for travellers prioritizing location and comfort.

City Centre Budget Hotel

  • Location: 22 Little Collins St, Melbourne VIC 3000
  • This budget-friendly hotel in the city centre provides a no-frills experience, making it an excellent choice for those seeking affordable lodging without sacrificing proximity to Melbourne’s key attractions.

United Backpackers

  • Location: 250 Flinders St, Melbourne VIC 3000
  • Situated in a prime location near Flinders Street Station, United Backpackers offers budget-friendly dormitory-style accommodations with a social atmosphere, catering to the needs of budget-conscious travelers.

Make sure the hotel fits your budget and tastes by reading recent reviews, looking into the facilities, and seeing if there are any hidden fees before making a reservation.

What To Look For In A Hotel?

If you want your hotel stay to be perfect, there are a few things to keep in mind when you search. Essential hotel features to seek for include:

  • Location: Consider the hotel’s proximity to your points of interest, whether it’s tourist attractions, business centres, or public transportation. A centrally located hotel can save you time and transportation costs.
  • Price: Compare prices across different platforms and directly on the hotel’s website. Take note of any additional fees or taxes that may apply. Look for promotions or discounts that could make your stay more affordable.
  • Reviews: Read reviews from previous guests on various platforms like TripAdvisor, Booking.com, or Google. Pay attention to recurring positive and negative comments to get a sense of the hotel’s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Amenities: Check the amenities offered by the hotel, such as free Wi-Fi, parking availability, breakfast options, fitness facilities, and any other services that may enhance your stay.
  • Room Size and Configuration: Ensure that the room size and configuration meet your needs. If you’re travelling with family or friends, check for options like connecting rooms or suites.
  • Cleanliness: Look for information about the hotel’s cleanliness standards. Reviews often provide insights into the overall hygiene and maintenance of the property.
  • Cancellation Policy: Understand the hotel’s cancellation policy in case your plans change. Some hotels offer flexible cancellation options, while others may have strict policies.
  • Safety and Security: Confirm that the hotel has adequate security measures in place. This includes well-lit public areas, secure key card systems, and, if necessary, 24-hour front desk service.
  • Accessibility: If you have specific accessibility requirements, check whether the hotel provides facilities such as ramps, elevators, or accessible rooms.
  • Pet-Friendly Policies: If you’re travelling with a pet, check whether the hotel is pet-friendly and if there are any additional fees or restrictions.
  • Brand Reputation: Consider the reputation of the hotel brand. Chain hotels often adhere to certain standards, but independent hotels can also offer unique and charming experiences.

With these things in mind, you should have no trouble selecting a hotel that fits your needs, fits your budget, and complements your itinerary.


Choosing the perfect hotel is an important step in guaranteeing a pleasant and relaxing trip. You may find a place to stay that fits your budget and your tastes by reading reviews, looking at the room’s layout and amenities, checking the cancellation policy, and thinking about your safety and any special requirements you may have.

Thanks to the wide variety of hotels, guests can choose an accommodation that best suits their needs and the type of their vacation.

Whether you’re planning a last-minute vacation on a tight budget or treating yourself to a five-star hotel for a special occasion, taking the time to plan and think about these things will make your trip more enjoyable and less stressful.

Keep in mind to read reviews online, compare prices on multiple sites, and redeem any discounts or deals that may be offered. In the end, a hotel isn’t just a place to sleep; it’s an integral part of your trip experience, elevating it by offering a cosy and inviting backdrop for both leisure and discovery. Safe journey!

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